PF-2 Fluoride/Arsenic Reduction Filters: These screw onto the underside of the Black Berkey® elements, inside the fresh water tank, and reduce fluoride and arsenic. The pair together will typically treat 1000 gallons of water. (Note: These do not fit onto the white ceramic elements, and they also cannot be used with the "Go Berkey" system.)
The Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements adsorb the following unwanted elements found in drinking water:
- Fluoride: Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Fluorosilicate, Fluorosilicic Acid (aka Hydrofluorosilic Acid)
- Arsenic: V and pre-oxidized Arsenic III
- Other residual heavy metal ions
PF-2 filters are made from safe, non-leaching Polypropolene #5 that is BPA-free.
Do PF-2 Filters for the Berkey® System leach auminum into the water that it's supposed to be treating? The answer is “No” and you can read the explanation here.
Please note: Available for shipment to all states.
“Wow! I can't believe how great the water tastes! Upon reflection, I am aghast thinking about what I have been drinking the past 5 years! For me, this is the perfect solution to better health & longevity.”
– Nancy M., CA
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