Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed February 12.


Excalibur dehydrators allow you to enjoy fresh foods beyond their natural shelf life, while maintaining nutritional values. Using a food dehydrator you'll be able to make fruit leather snacks and dry fruit in bulk from your garden-fresh berries, peaches and apples, as well as keep your extra tomatoes, carrots and herbs good through the winter. Savor the taste of summer long after the season is past! Click the links below to find the USA-built Excalibur model best for you. 

How They Work

Excalibur dehydrators use a consistent heat source and patented Parallexx airflow system to remove the natural moisture from food to help you preserve everything from strawberries and mangoes to potatoes and venison, beef or buffalo meat. Because an Excalibur dehydrator maintains heat anywhere between 105-165 degrees, it provides the maximum opportunity to dry foods without concern for case hardening, souring, or reduction in nutrients that occur if the temperature gets too high. The heat evaporates the moisture in the food while the circulating air removes the vapor; this process produces efficiently preserved morsels.

Benefits of Drying Food

Dehydrating is easier and more cost effective than canning or freezing; more nutrients are maintained for greater health benefits, and dehydrated foods also require less storage space than do other preservation methods. It’s economical too, thanks to Excalibur’s energy-efficient design. Several models have timers that let you run the appliance at a convenient time. Cleaning the Excalibur dehydrators is fast and easy since the parts in contact with food are dishwasher safe.

Variety of Colors & Finishes

The appearance of Excalibur products makes them an attractive addition to any kitchen—an array of colors and finishes are available. Excalibur offers a variety of dehydrator models so you can select the one that makes the most sense for your family’s needs. The durable construction of all these dehydrators lends itself to heavy-duty use in either 5 or 9-tray models with or without a timer.

Healthful Snacks & Fun Craft Projects

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, sugars, and proteins—so it’s advantageous to your family's health to serve them the best possible produce. Recent medical studies suggest that people who face blood sugar challenges benefit from produce that's dehydrated more than from produce preserved in other ways. Dehydrators are used not only to preserve food for long-term storage, they're also great for making homemade yogurt, granola bars and kale chips for healthy breakfast and snack options year-round. Because the dehydrators can be used at such low temperatures they’re also suited for unconventional purposes like drying damp boots or mittens! Some people use their dehydrators to dry herbs, spices, flowers and a variety of craft items. You and your family will enjoy your seasoning mixes and  decorations even more, knowing that you prepared them yourself.