Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed February 12.
Oat Groats, Organic, SuperPail, Zone-2


Organic Toasted Oats Groats, 26 lbs.

Oats before & after flaking in the Family Grain Mill flaker

Our oat groats are certified organic, triple-cleaned, toasted and perfect for baking & cooking purposes. Whole oats normally have a hull (also called a "husk") that surrounds the kernel, and the hull is basically inedible unless you're a horse, or similar. A groat is the oat kernel that has had the hull removed. (Oddly, the terms "hulled oats" and "dehulled oats" both generally refer to oats that have had their hulls removed... in other words, oat groats.) Once oats have had their hulls removed, they receive a minimal kilning treatment that prevents fats from becoming rancid (and this renders the germ non-sproutable). There's no such thing as a "home oat dehuller", so buying bulk stabilized oat groats is the way to get oats for use in your home kitchen. 

During the process of light kilning, a few oat groats routinely become trapped temporarily in the conveyor system and get a little over-toasted, then later re-enter the grain stream. The exterior of those oats will be a darker brown color. Most buckets will have none of these kernels, but they may be present in any bucket up to a level of roughly a couple of kernels per cupful of grain. Even at the highest incidence, these darker kernels make no difference in the taste or other characteristics of the grain. 

Convenient & safe storage 

Our oat groats are certified organic and non-GMO, and come in six-gallon buckets (or pails... another word for the same container), containing 26 lbs. net weight of grain. The bulk oat groats in our bucket packaging have a shelf life of 18 months. When you store grain at home, it needs to be protected in a couple of ways. First, it needs to be protected from a variety of little critters who'd like to get to it before you do. Weevils and rodents, for example. You also need to protect your grain from picking up excessive additional moisture, which can be drawn from the atmosphere. The buckets our organic oats come in provide full protection against these storage risks. They have airtight gasket-sealed lids, Mylar liners, and oxygen absorber packets that remove the oxygen from the air in the bucket after we put the lid on. The O2 absorbers leave an atmosphere of nitrogen in the bucket (because air is mainly oxygen and nitrogen). Our buckets safely lock out pests, and biological processes are put "on hold" in the Mylar protected, oxygen-free nitrogen atmosphere, so your grain enjoys complete peace and quiet until you want to use it.

Beat oxidation 

In grain oats the plant's cellular walls protect nutrients from oxidation. The process of oxidation begins to occur as soon as oat groats are ground, exposing the cell's contents to oxygen in the air. Flour that is several days (or more) old, has been exposed to oxygen that inevitably diminishes its nutritional value. The way to get full nutrition from whole grain foods is to mill them when you need them, right in your kitchen. Modern high-speed grain mills make it fast and easy to enjoy the freshest, best tasting and most nutritious food imaginable! 


All of our grain is triple-cleaned to ensure purity and protect your grain mill from any foreign objects. (Grain that isn't sufficiently cleaned may contain small stones that will damage or destroy a grain mill... not to mention that you don't want such things in your food!) 


All of Pleasant Hill Grain's whole grain products are natural (non-GMO). Also, PHG does not sell any grains, beans, lentils, pulses or seeds sourced from China. 

Shelf Life 

Our organic toasted oat groats have a shelf life of 18 months when unopened and stored in a cool, dark, dry environment. 

Uses & Nutrition

Banana oat cookies

Common oats (avena sativa) are a cereal grain that’s high in soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Oats are popular both as human food and livestock feed. The plant will grow in a variety of environments, but does particularly well in fairly wet climates. Oats are particularly rich in the mineral magnesium—a co-factor to many enzymes which help the digestion system to run well by allowing glucose into the bloodstream and helping insulin from the pancreas control these blood glucose levels. Oats may either be flaked (rolled), cracked, or ground into flour and are nutritional when eaten either cooked or raw. Due to their high levels of beta-glucan, oats are significantly helpful in lowering cholesterol levels as well as maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Oats are also a good source of manganese, selenium, and phosphorus. The oats on this page are processed in a facility that handles barley, sesame seeds, soybeans, wheat, and peanuts. 

The term “oat groats” refers to the oat grain kernel after the inedible hull has been removed. Oat groats can be ground into flour for baking. Steel cut oats are oat groats that have been chopped with a steel blade; steel cut oats are used for cooking, and are sometimes referred to as “Irish oatmeal”. Oat groats can also be rolled into flakes for hot cereals, cookies, bars, etc; this processing style is known as “rolled oats” or “flaked oats”. Sometimes you’ll hear of “instant oats” or “quick oats”, and these terms simply mean that the rolled oats have been pressed extra thin to shorten the cooking time. 

There can be confusion with the word “oatmeal”; is it the staple breakfast porridge, or is it another way to refer to rolled oats? The word is actually used both ways! Muesli is a soaked, raw version of oatmeal.

Applesauce oat muffins

By purchasing whole oat groats, you’ll be able to make fresh, wholesome oat flour or rolled oats at a moment’s notice. Oats are a soft grain and can easily be made into flour using a blender , or any electric or manual grain mill . Flaking oats is a snap with an electric or manual oat flaker .  Kids have a lot of fun running manual flakers to help with oatmeal cookies, or breakfast porridge! Rolled/flaked oats can be used to make oatmeal, porridge, muesli, granola bars, fruit dessert toppings and more. To cook, boil 1 cup rolled oats with 4 cups water for 30 minutes. Whether baked, cooked, or raw, food tastes soooo much better when it's fresh—and oats are no exception!

Oat flour provides texture to dishes and its mild flavor pairs well with cinnamon, dried and fresh fruit, thyme, mushrooms, walnuts, coffee, and coconut.

Looking for whole oats? Avena nuda, or “naked oats”, is an ancient variety of oats that grows with a very loose hull that’s removed easily by threshing, which means the oats can be sold whole. Since the hull is so loose on naked oats, it doesn’t protect the oats from disease the way the tighter hull on common oats does. Naked oats are also more fragile, making them more likely to shatter when ripe and be damaged in harvesting. Because of the difficulty in producing naked oats, they aren’t widely produced, making them hard to come by.

Oat flour pancakes

Along with many other grains, oats contain phytic acid. Phytic acid can bind to some minerals in the gut and block their absorption into your body, keeping you from utilizing those much needed nutrients. The best way to minimize this is to soak oats groats, rolled oats or oat flour in an acidic liquid for at least twelve hours before cooking or baking with the grain. By soaking oat groats in an acidic liquid, the enzyme phytase can neutralize the phytic acid. An acid such as whey, yogurt, kefir, lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar should be added to the water you’re soaking the grain in to initiate the enzyme activity necessary to neutralize the phytic acid. Oat groats have a very low phytase content, so it’s good to add a food with a high phytase level to encourage the enzyme activity. Rye contains more phytase than most other grains, so adding rye flour really boosts the enzyme activity. If soaking whole oat groats, remember to dry them completely before grinding or flaking. 

Oat bran is the edible, outermost layer of the oat groat kernel. Oat bran has better insoluble fiber content than any other grain’s bran and also has good protein, vitamin and mineral content. Oat bran is a good addition to bread dough, other baked food, and cereal. 

Oat milk is a non-dairy milk made by soaking whole oat groats, or steel cut oats, and then blending them with water, and pressed the mixture through a cheesecloth or other fine strainer.

Additional Options 

Pleasant Hill Grain offers over thirty kinds of whole grain products

Our food category offers many selections of baking ingredients, delicious dried fruits and vegetables, long-term storable foods, canned meat, fish and poultry, sweeteners and more. 

As a whole grains shopper you may also be interested in hand crank and electric grain mills and grain flakers as well as heavy duty Bosch mixersAnkarsrum (formerly Electrolux)Haussler spiral dough mixers, and Famag spiral dough mixers

Gamma Seal Lids are remarkably practical two-part gadgets that transform standard plastic buckets into rugged, gasketed, resealable storage containers that are both air-tight and water-tight.

nullThe grain or seed on this page is Non-GMO Project verified. 

The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. The Non-GMO Project is North America’s most trusted third party verification for non-GMO food and products.

Shipping Zones 

Please note: The shipping zones below are for the 48 contiguous states. For shipment to AK/HI, please call (866) 467-6123 or email us for a cost quote.


Exceptional Value of Bulk Grain

It's well known that basic natural foods tend to be lower in cost and much higher in nutrition than processed commercial choices, but we were still a little shocked when we compared the cost of a staple like whole grain wheat, to items on the shelves at a local grocery store. Our grain comes packaged 45 lbs. to a bucket, so we're reporting each cost here, for that same net weight. The cost of living index in Nebraska is comparatively low, so processed foods like the examples shown here are priced even higher in most areas. We came away from this exercise with a heightened appreciation for the low cost and exceptional value of quality basic foods like whole grain wheat!

45 lbs. of Wheaties™ cereal


45 lbs. of Capt'n Crunch™ cereal


45 lbs. of Nacho Cheese Doritos™


45 lbs. of Maxwell House™ coffee


45 lbs. of 9 Lives™ (the cat food!)



When you order a full pallet of grain (36 buckets) or more, you earn a discount of $25 per bucket. And if you order 3 full pallets or more, the discount is $30 per bucket. (See the discount amounts in the table below.) These terms apply to this offer: 

  • Your order may consist of a single product, or any combination of these  grain, beans, rice, etc. 
  • Total quantity must be a multiple of 12. So you can order 36 or 48 or 60 buckets, but not 37 or 55, for example. 
  • You must have a quantity of at least 36 buckets, in a total quantity divisible by 12, in your cart for the discount to apply. 
  • This offer applies to grain, beans, lentils, rice, or oilseeds (such as flax) that are packaged in buckets. 
  • All buckets must be in stock. 
  • The order can be delivered in one of two ways: 

1.) It can be delivered to a business address with a forklift or dock and which is NOT also a residence. 

 2.) OR the order may be picked up at the freight terminal in your area, within 3 business days of arrival. (Storage charges would start after 3 days.)


No. Buckets

Bucket Discount

Total Discount





































Orders of 36 buckets or more will receive the discounts above automatically, in your shopping cart. Please give us a call or  email if you have any questions

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If you need more information about this product, please tell us what else you'd like to know with a quick email or live chat.


Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1/2 c. (40g)
Servings Per Container: Varies
Amount per serving
Calories 160
Calories from Fat 25
  % Daily
Total Fat 3g 3%
Saturated Fat 0.5g 3%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 5mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 26g 9%
Fiber 4g 15%
Sugars 0g
Protein 6g
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 2%
Iron 15%


Weight (lbs.)
Net Weight (lbs.)
Allergen Statement
Processed in facility w/barley, sesame, soybeans, wheat & peanuts
Gluten Free
USDA Organic
Country of Manufacture
United States


We stock this product in our Nebraska warehouse. Most of our shipments are by UPS Ground or Home Delivery and you should receive your order in five business days or less from ship-out. Click here for more information about shipping.

Accessories for this product:

Bucket Lid Wrench

Don't be afraid of the plastic construction of this handy lid removal tool. We've used them for years here at PHG. They work great and we've never had one break.

Overall length of the tool is 8.25".

Note: Some bucket lids have several points around their lower lip that must be snipped with a cutting tool prior to removal. No matter what sort of tool you use to pry the lid off, if you're working with that sort of lid then it is indeed necessary to snip the lid at those points, first. Such "snip points" vary in appearance and may or may not be marked with words like "Cut Here" or with a scissors symbol. Another type of lid has a circumferential "tear strip" around its bottom edge. With such lids you may not need a lid removal wrench to use after pulling the tear-strip away, but one can be helpful to those with hand weakness due to arthritis or other reasons.

(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Grain Sample 1 Pound

Our one pound grain, bean and seed samples are a way for you to give a grain a try before investing in a bulk amount. These samples are not packaged for longterm storage.

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USA Pan Nonstick Pullman Loaf Pan & Cover

Pullman loaf pans like this nonstick one from USA Pan are excellent for baking breads in that don't rise well, like gluten free loaves and rye breads. Thanks to the pan's narrower designer and taller sides, these breads will turn out taller than if baked in traditional loaf pans.

Over fifty years ago USA Pan began providing the highest quality commercial-gauge bakeware for the world’s leading bakeries. Today they are the largest manufacturer of commercial bakeware. When you purchase a USA Pan product you're choosing a product that meets industrial standards for innovation, quality and durability. From superior pan materials, to methods of manufacturing, and overall design, USA pans are some of the very best available for the commercial user as well as the home chef. Each USA Pan is proudly produced in Crescent, Pennsylvania.

Each USA Pan bakeware item is constructed of aluminized steel, which is the material of choice for commercial bakeries. The metal thickness chosen for each bakeware piece allows even heat distribution and maximum service life.

The bakeware is coated with Americoat© Plus, a proprietary silicone coating that nearly all North American bakers prefer over dark nonstick coatings. Americoat© Plus is a clear non-stick, environmentally friendly, coating specifically formulated for superior baking and does not contain any PTFE’s or PFOA’s.

Another unique feature of USA Pan bakeware is the corrugated (or fluted) design. This ridged surface maximizes pan strength, as well as prevents warping, denting and other effects of everyday use. Corrugation also minimizes surface contact with baked goods which means you have evenly baked goods which are easily released from their pan.

Available in 13" and 9" length. The 13" Loaf Pan is a top rated product at Cook's Illustrated!

The Pullman Loaf Pan is made in the USA, and the lid is imported.

(More info) See product
$37.99 - $41.99
Cook's Illustrated How Can It Be Gluten Free Cookbook

Note: There is a Cook's Illustrated How Can It Be Gluten Free Cookbook in our clearance store.

Successful gluten free recipes require more than just new ingredients. You need new techniques and that's where the America's Test Kitchen Team can help you out. They've tried thousands of recipes (most were pretty awful, they say) before figuring out the secrets to making favorite foods without gluten. In this landmark book, learn what works (and why) so you can successfully prepare lasagna, fried chicken, and fresh pasta in your kitchen. With reinvented baking rules to produce amazing cookies, cakes, breads, biscuits and more, you'll find many recipes to love in this cookbook!

Review by Publishers Weekly: "Even ultra-experienced gluten-free cooks and bakers will learn something from this thoroughly researched, thoughtfully presented volume. It begins with an introduction to the science of gluten, strategies for replacing wheat in recipes, troubleshooting suggestions, and helpful evaluations of commercial brands of gluten-free flour blends, sandwich bread, and pasta. The editors advise against using more brands than they recommend. Each entry opens with an explanation of 'why this recipe works' and many include additional tips and variations. And the recipes cover the dishes gluten-free eaters are most likely to crave. There are breakfast recipes, including lemon ricotta pancakes and buttermilk waffles; entrees, such as spaghetti and meatballs, fried chicken, and cheese quiche; and breads: multigrain sandwich bread, dinner rolls, and English muffins. Of course there are desserts, too, from oatmeal-raisin cookies to deep-dish apple pie. The simplicity of the dishes belie the innovation contained in this book—it's a necessary addition to any gluten-free cookbook collection."

600 pages | Over 350 recipes | Hardback | With color photographs

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In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Gluten-Free Flavor Flours Cookbook
The Gluten-Free Flavor Flours book by Alice Medrich is a James Beard Award-winning gluten-free cookbook!

Baking with flavor flours—oat flour, sorghum flour, teff, coconut flour, and nut flours, like almond and hazelnut—adds a new dimension to dessert recipes. Rather than simply adding starch and structure to a dessert (as is the case with wheat flour), these flours elevate the taste of the dessert as well. The recipes incorporate the most popular alternative flours available on the market today and use them in interesting ways, both alone and in combination.
Gluten-free bakers will find a whole new range of baking options at their fingertips. Chapters are organized by flour, each one highlighting the best recipes that flour can be used for—be it muffins, tarts, and scones made with sorghum flour; cakes, cookies, and crumbles made with oat flour; or chocolatey desserts made with teff.Each chapter highlights useful information for each flour used, covering the taste, its flavor affinities, and how it’s best used, stored, and more.With 125 accessible and delicious recipes, including Double Oat Cookies, Buckwheat Gingerbread, Chocolate Chestnut Soufflé Cake, Blueberry Corn Flour Cobbler, and Coconut Key Lime Tart, living gluten-free has never been tastier!
(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Gamma Seal Lid, 12 Inch, Set of 3

This remarkably practical two-part gadget transforms a standard plastic bucket into a rugged, gasketed, resealable storage container that's both air-tight. Just snap the outer ring down onto your bucket. The threaded lid turns easily with molded-in grip bars. These lids are heavy duty for years and years of service. The ring has a polymer gasket where it sits against the lid of your bucket, and the threaded lid has another polymer gasket, giving the container an air-tight seal that excludes not only such freeloaders as mice and insects, but moisture too.

The Gamma Seal lid transforms an ordinary bucket into the ideal storage vault for an endless list of materials from grain and other foods to laundry products, pet food, tools, documents, silk ties, lawn and garden products, bait, seeds, oil, disaster supplies... and on and on. They also make lightweight, super-strong totes for camping gear. And did we mention that they're stackable? Our customers come back for more of these. (Make your life easier by ordering a few more the first time!)

All Gamma Lid plastics are food safe, including "heavy-metal-free" pigment in the colored lids, and all Gamma products are BPA-free. Gamma Seal lids do not include the bucket. Please note that color tint of plastic buckets can vary, so Gamma Lid colors may not perfectly match with the color of any given plastic buckets.

These 12" Gamma Seal lids fit 3-1/2 gallon or 5 gallon or 6 gallon buckets with standard top outside diameter of 11-3/4" to 12-1/8". If you want to use Gamma Seal Lids on buckets you already have, be sure your bucket tops have an outside diameter that falls within that range. (The buckets offered by Pleasant Hill Grain all have the proper top diameters to accept their respective size of Gamma Seal Lid.)

To install we recommend a large rubber mallet, or lay a 2x4 across the lid and strike with any heavy hammer. If a lid ring doesn't want to start on a bucket easily, submerging the ring or bucket rim (or both) in hot water will ease the connection.

Lids are sold in sets of three of each color. Colors include white, black, green, yellow, red, blue, and orange.

Note: If using oxygen absorbers in plastic buckets, you need to use standard hammer-on lids (not Gamma Lids). Gamma Lids are airtight, but are not designed to counteract the force of pressure that's created when all of the oxygen in the container is removed by oxygen absorbers. Once the standard lid is initially removed to start using the contents, a Gamma Lid can be used to re-seal the bucket against moisture, rodents and insects. A quality bucket and hammer-on gasketed lid will provide a fully adequate oxygen barrier for at least a couple years of storage. For even longer term oxygen-free storage, inside your buckets you can also use Mylar liner bags which, when heat-sealed shut around your food, will effectively block oxygen permeation for years and years.

(More info) See product

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day Book

The bestselling authors of the groundbreaking Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day bring you a new cookbook with 90 delicious, entirely gluten-free bread recipes!

With more than half a million copies of their books in print, Jeff Hertzberg, MD, and Zoë François have proven that people want to bake their own bread, as long as they can do it quickly and easily. But what about people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? They want to eat well too, but gluten is everywhere: in cakes, pasta, desserts, gravy—even in beer and Scotch whiskey. But what do they miss the most? Bread.

Based on overwhelming requests from their readers, Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë François have returned to their test kitchens to create an entirely gluten-free bread cookbook—most of the recipes that readers loved in Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day appear here in a gluten-free version. In just five minutes a day of active preparation time, you can create delectable, gluten-free sandwich loaves, European peasant bread, 100% whole grain loaves, French baguettes, crock pot bread, caraway "Rye" bread, challah, and even fabulous dessert breads like brioche, doughnuts, and sticky pecan caramel rolls!

Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day extends Jeff and Zoë's revolutionary stored-dough bread making method to yeasted and unleavened breads made without wheat, barley, or rye. This book is bursting with 90 recipes, 100 black-and-white instructional photos and 40 gorgeous color photos. With this revolutionary baking approach, you CAN have mouthwatering gluten-free artisan bread with just five minutes of hands-on work a day!

(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Ancient Grains for Modern Meals Book

Food writer Maria Speck’s passion for propelling Old World staples such as farro, barley, polenta, and wheat berries to the forefront of new American cooking is beautifully presented in Ancient Grains for Modern Meals. In this inspired and highly personal book, Maria Speck draws on food traditions from across the Mediterranean and northern Europe to reveal how versatile, satisfying, flavorful, and sophisticated whole grains can be.

Rustic but elegant dishes—Creamy Farro with Honey-Roasted Grapes, Barley Salad with Figs and Tarragon-Lemon Dressing, Lamb Stew with Wheat Berries in Red Wine Sauce, and Purple Rice Pudding with Rose Water Dates—are sure to please discerning palates and become favorites in any whole grain repertoire.

Food lovers and health-conscious home chefs alike learn how to integrate whole grains into their busy lives, from quick-cooking quinoa and buckwheat to the slower varieties such as spelt and Kamut. The stunning flavors and lively textures of whole grains are enhanced with natural ingredients such as butter, cream, and prosciutto—in moderation—to create lush Mediterranean-inspired recipes. Maria’s approachable style and generous spirit make this collection of time-honored, updated classics a treasury for today’s cooks.

Winner of the Julia Child Health and Special Diet Award

(More info) See product


Out of stock ETA is unknown. We aren't accepting preorders at this time. (more info)

Customer reviews

PHG provides product-giveaway sweepstakes entries to all submitters of reviews, a program which also accepts entries without purchase. Take advantage of this program for repeated opportunities to win great PHG products! Nature of review does not influence odds of winning. Full contest rules are available here. All reviews are by verified buyers.

Overall Rating:

87 reviews
per page

1 - 10 of 87 reviews

Wonderful Oat groats
By Deborah S. in NY on 12/22/2017 Verified Buyer

I just bought my second pail of oat groats. They're wonderful! I will buy my next pail from Pleasant Hill Grain as well. I roll my own oats and make oatmeal flour. It's so much better than store bought. The rolled oats are wonderful as cooked oatmeal and in baking.

I am pleased at how fast my order was delivered.

Also, I appreciate the staff as well. I've gotten expert advise in choosing products. I bought my Marcato Marga Mulino flaker from Pleasant Hill Grain, and it's been great.

13 out of 13 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Oat Groats are Great
By Sheila S. in WA on 4/11/2016 Verified Buyer

This is the third year I've purchased a bucket of groats. I flake my own for batches of fresh granola, cookies and of course delicious oatmeal at least 3-4 times a week. Just roll up the inner bag to keep them fresh to bottom. Fantastic service and always prompt delivery.

13 out of 13 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Roll your own
By Kelly J. in MO on 4/12/2016 Verified Buyer

I've purchased these oat groats for several years now. Hand roll my own oat flakes. Once you have eaten hand rolled you will never purchase store bought. Also great to grind for oat flour and of course cooked oats.

11 out of 12 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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The Best!
By Cheryl A. in IL on 4/13/2016 Verified Buyer

The product is always fresh, stays fresh, and is of superb quality! My daughter used another company and her oat groats went rancid! Besides the unbeatable quality, shipping isn't extra and delivery is always very fast. Just can't beat this company in any aspect!

8 out of 9 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Wonderful organic oat groats!!
By David F. in PA on 5/20/2019 Verified Buyer

I am very happy with the organic oat groats we purchased from Pleasant Hill Grain. They exceed my expectations with cleanness and quality. We are enjoying them as a cooked cereal every morning. We are hoping to buy a grain mill that will make them a little motr coarse than our coffee grinder makes them. Thank you Pleasant Hill!!

Moderator : We're glad you like the oat groats, David. We'll be happy to help with the mill-selection process too if you'd like. 
7 out of 8 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Oat Groats Organic, SuperPail
By Steven F. in CA on 2/07/2018 Verified Buyer

Have bought a few pails of oat groats over the years. The oat groats are good, clean, no issues there at all. They last/store well with the great packaging. The stout bag inside the pail helps keep the oats fresh without any storage issues, plus, of course, the pail is air tight.

7 out of 7 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Oat Groats are Great!
By Thomas W. in CO on 3/25/2020 Verified Buyer

I'be been purchasing your organic oat groats for the past four years. Once I realized how tasty the oats were, I bought a KoMo flaker. Rolling the oats for a batch of oatmeal, I cook the oatmeal using a Zojirushi rice cooker. The oats come out great every time. We also roll the oats for baking, like blueberry muffins. The oats in the bucket last in a flavorful and tasty way, all the way through to the end.

6 out of 6 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Cliff's review...
By Cliff N. in CA on 2/02/2020 Verified Buyer

I was diagnosed terminal over 28 years ago. When the doctors convinced me they couldn't help me, I stopped seeing them and stopped eating store bought food. Not only did I not die, but I got well. I eat 3 grains. Oats, Flaxseeds and chia seeds mixed with just enough flaxseed oil to make it like food [and a couple hard boiled eggs]. It may not be for you but I LOVE it and it keeps the doctors AWAY [grin].

6 out of 6 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Very Tasty Oat Groats
By Carson E. in OK on 9/15/2018 Verified Buyer

We regularly order these oats to roll in in our KoMo flakers for either fresh eating, making into granola (with fresh rolled barley also), or for stirring into cookies. Very oat-y in taste. Having the bulk container is very convenient and cuts down on packaging waste. Also, ground into flour it makes very tasty bread and crackers.

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Tasty, Clean, Organic Product
By John S. in WI on 2/04/2021 Verified Buyer

I have been eating oatmeal with a half cup of blueberries for breakfast for many years. The hardest thing to find is an organic product. We decided to make our own. We are on our second large bucket and highly recommend it without reservations. We make organic Scottish Oatmeal with our food processor and oat flour for pancakes and oat cakes with our flour mill. Your groats have made a difference in our lives.

4 out of 4 people found this review helpful. Did you?
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