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Dough Divider for WonderMix
The dough divider works together with the Tru-Mix dough hook, creating a cross-action that makes it easy to thoroughly mix heavy cookie dough batter in the WonderMix mixer. The dough divider is not intended for use when making bread dough.
When making thick cookie batter, first use the whips to cream the sugar and butter, then replace the whips with the dough divider and dough hook. Turn the mixer on and add flour and other ingredients.
3 reviews
I have a kitchenetics K11 mixer (precursor to the wondermill) that is more than 30 years old and needed some new parts. PHG sent the replacements and they work great
Does an awesome job and saves time kneading small batches of bread.
First of all I love my WonderMix. It's light and sturdy. And small enough to tuck away after you have used it. I purchased the dough divider as it help mixing and kneading a small bread dough perfectly. It should really be included from the beginning!