Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed February 12.


Red Feather produces the highest quality canned butter and it has a very short ingredient list: Pasteurized cream and salt–that’s it. No preservatives, food colorings or chemicals of any kind, just naturally made, wholesome butter. We offer Red Feather butter at Pleasant Hill Grain for its many superior qualities, including its fresh taste. Red Feather butter is produced in New Zealand on a free-range farm. Click the link below to see our Red Feather canned butter.

Red Feather Canned Butter

Many of us would agree butter adds a warm and satisfying quality to a variety of dishes, but did you know nutritionists now understand butter is a critical food to incorporate into our meals? If you appreciate rich flavor, want to make healthful choices, and care about the quality of your ingredients, we’re confident you’ll be pleased with Red Feather canned butter.

Incredibly Long Shelf Life

You can take canned butter with you anywhere, even where you have no refrigeration! From your home pantry to a remote cabin and family camping trips, you can depend on Red Feather’s Ballantyne butter to be delicious in your baked goods or spread over toast and muffins.

Sailors and RV travelers with limited fridge space find this product to be a tasty and practical choice for their adventures.

Are you making a long-term storage food plan? With its incredibly long shelf life, this canned butter will last for years—which means you can stock up for disaster preparedness! Canned butter is available in a single 12-ounce can or a case of twenty four 12-ounce cans. High quality products are rarely this convenient! For more information, or to purchase Red Feather butter, click here.

High Quality Canned Food Products

Our customers who enjoy Red Feather canned butter also like Bega canned cheese, Ghee (clarified butter), OvaEasy Egg Crystals (remarkably like fresh eggs), and delicious Canned pork sausage.