Zojirushi kitchen machines have earned a worldwide reputation for unsurpassed features, performance and durability. Zojirushi ensures their lead in kitchen design through superior engineering, and they protect their customers by distributing their products through businesses that have earned the title, "Authorized Zojirushi Dealer."
Zojirushi expects the highest standards of product knowledge, service excellence, and ethical business practice from their dealers. Pleasant Hill Grain is proud to be recognized as an Authorized Zojirushi Dealer. We are committed to offering you the best possible experience in the purchase and ownership of Zojirushi kitchen machines, both now and in the future.
Some companies have had their Zojirushi dealerships revoked in recent years for engaging in business practices that don't meet the standards of Zojirushi. Yet some of those companies continue to offer Zojirushi machines for sale on the Internet. They do this by purchasing machines surreptitiously at retail prices from real Zojirushi dealers. They offer them for sale online, then use bait-and-switch tactics (which are both unethical and illegal) to make every effort to sell other machines not made by Zojirushi. If the shopper insists on a genuine Zojirushi, these companies sell them one of the machines they themselves purchased at retail. But the Zojirushi warranty is valid for the original retail purchaser only, and this scheme makes the "counterfeit" dealer the original purchaser. Consequently the buyer can unknowingly wind up without a warranty from Zojirushi on their new machine. Not surprisingly, the companies doing these things aren't forthcoming if asked about their practices.
How can you be sure to select a bona fide Authorized Zojirushi Dealer? Zojirushi USA welcomes calls from consumers seeking to confirm a dealer's standing. Their phone number is 800-733-6270 and you can reach them from 9:00 to 4:30 Pacific Time, Monday-Friday.
At Pleasant Hill Grain we would be honored by your patronage.
Click here to see all Zojrushi products.