Spiralmac guarantees the 20kg, 25kg, 38kg, 44kg, and 60kg mixers for 18 months for home users or commercial users. The warranty is for the original purchaser of the new machine only; it is non-transferrable.
The warranty consists of the undertaking by the company to repair or replace for free mechanical parts, during the limited warranty period, that have manufacturing defects.
Wear-parts are not covered by the warranty. Also excluded is damage caused to any parts by failure to perform proper maintenance of the mixer as described in the Instruction Manual.
Warranty repairs may be made exclusively by an authorized Spiralmac retailer, or by another party only by written authorization from an authorized Spiralmac retailer. The warranty excludes shipping charges to the authorized service center. For warranty repairs requiring work be done at an authorized retailer’s location, the authorized service center will pay shipping charges back to the customer for return addresses within the 48 contiguous U.S. states.
Warranty is voided in the event of damage done by any improper service of a machine. The warranty is void in the event of failures due to the operator's carelessness, negligence or misuse.
At the sole discretion of Spiralmac, or their authorized service provider, full refund of the purchase price of the product shall be deemed to be full remedy for any and all warranty claims.