Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed February 4.
Clearance: Royal Berkey Purifier System, Standard


% $408.00 (9.56% saved)

Clearance: Royal Berkey Purifier System, Standard

This is a scratch/dent/blemish clearance item. Please check the table below to see how we rate our clearance items. 

Note: The product images on this page are of a new item, with the exception of any images marked “Clearance item”.

Berkey Water Purifiers

The world's most powerful and economical water purification systems, Berkey® purifiers provide incredibly clean, pure water whether the source is a wild stream, stagnant pond, private well, or substandard municipal supply. Available in sizes large enough for the sustained needs of up to 325 people per system, Berkey purifiers rely on no moving parts and use no electricity.

Easy to use

Just fill the upper chamber with water. Gravity carries water through the Black Berkey purifying elements and incredibly pure water rains down into the Berkey's lower chamber where it's ready for you to use.

Contaminated Drinking Water

A recent national study found 316 different contaminants in U.S. drinking water. Berkey purifiers remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites while extracting chemicals including herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, VOCs, detergents, cloudiness, silt, sediment, foul tastes and odors. They reduce heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, aluminum as well as nitrites, without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs.

Proprietary Micro-Pore Technology

Berkey purifiers use proprietary micro-pore technology to achieve contaminant reduction of 99.99999%. This extreme level of purification, called “7-log” reduction, means that no more than one part per ten million of the original contaminant remains. This standard is 1000 times more stringent than what's required to label a system as a simple “water filter.” Systems achieving 7-log reduction provide ultra-pure water not only in normal conditions, but also in circumstances of extreme and highly dangerous contamination. And unlike many purifiers, Black Berkey elements are cleanable: A Scotchbrite™ pad is all you need to remove exterior buildup and extend element life. Each element can clean up to 3000 gallons of water.

Black Berkey Media

The media within Black Berkey® elements removes contaminants by a surface phenomenon called adsorption, the molecular attraction of substances to the surface of the media. The exclusive purification elements are also impregnated with proprietary media that promote ionic absorption of pollutants within the micro-porous elements. A key reason Berkey systems are so effective in removing contaminants from water is their long contact period. Most systems blast water through their filters at high pressure, which limits contact with their filter media to only a fraction of a second. Water molecules passing through the revolutionary micro-porous structure of the Black Berkey purification elements are drawn gently by gravity and remain in contact with the trapping media for several minutes. This multiplies the Black Berkey filter media's ability to capture contaminants.

Pleasant Hill Grain is an authorized dealer of Berkey Water SystemsReducing Bacteria

Berkey purifiers using the Black Berkey purification elements are proven to reduce pathogenic bacteria (including E. Coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Giardia and Cryptosporidium) by 99.99999%. Berkey systems have been tested with the highest pathogenic contamination levels that can be produced in a laboratory. When contamination levels exceed a billion pathogens per liter of water (10,000 times the density of contamination used in the standard test protocol for bacteriological removal) they're classified as TNTC (too numerous to count.) Under normal testing protocol, one pathogenic organism is tested at a time, each with a fresh purifying element. For this test, however, the laboratory was directed to combine three separate pathogenic TNTC cultures. Tested under this extreme contamination level, absolutely no pathogens were able to make it through the purification elements. The laboratory then incubated the water, and nothing grew. When the purified water was viewed under an electron microscope not even inviable microbes were detectable—nothing was present but pure water. Furthermore, contaminants including trihalomethanes, radon 222, and volatile organic compounds including benzene, 2,4-D, Heptachlor, MTBE, styrene, tetrachloroethylene and toulene, among many others, were reduced to below detectable limits.

Reducing Viruses

Far smaller than bacteria, viruses typically range upward in size from about 30 nanometers (nm). Black Berkey purification elements have been proven in to reduce the MS2 and Fr Coliphage viruses, which are among the smallest viruses at about 25nm, to Log 5 (99.999%). No other gravity fed water filtration system even comes close to this performance.

The striking superiority of Berkey water purifiers can be demonstrated with food coloring. When bacteria are viewed under a powerful microscope, food coloring is often used as a contrast enhancer to make the bacteria easier to see. Food coloring consists of particles so small that even under magnification strong enough to show fine details in a single bacterium, the food coloring still appears only as uniform coloration. Yet Berkey purifiers effectively remove food coloring from water. Berkey systems are the only purifiers in the world that can do this.

Soft water

The Black Berkey® purification elements are designed to remove heavy metals, but will not remove mineral salts, which are added by a water softener. The salt used to soften water will not be extracted by the Black Berkey® element. We recommend that you use softened water directly from the source rather than running it through the Black Berkey® elements.


Berkey purifiers are available in several configurations. All Berkey Systems using Black Berkey purifying elements meet or exceed the EPA's stringent "7 Log" (99.99999%) contaminant reduction specification. Systems using Black Berkey elements within transparent Copolyester housings are known as Berkey Light Purifiers. Systems using Black Berkey elements within 304-grade stainless steel housings have the same purifying performance, and are known as Berkey Stainless Purifiers.

Bundle Discounts

Save on Berkey purifiers and accessories! The table below shows the special pricing that's available for Berkey products.

Berkey Bundle Discounts

Berkey Items
Up to $750 5%
$750-$2500 7.5%
$2500+ 10%
Order must include a stainless Berkey purifier from this page, or a  Berkey Light purifier, plus a second Berkey item to be eligible for a bundle discount. Some replacement parts aren't eligible for bundle discount pricing. Discount will appear in cart.

Note: Berkey purifiers aren't available for shipment to Iowa or California. Of course, any Berkey system may actually be usedanywhere. More details of these regulatory novelties can be seen here.

Berkey Water Purifier Stainless Systems



Flow Rate
w/2 elements

Flow Rate
w/4 elements

Maximum Flow

in use


Crown Berkey


6 gal

6.5 gph

13 gph

650 gal

11 x 30.5"

11 x 20"

Imperial Berkey


4.5 gal

5.5 gph

11 gph

400 gal

10 x 26.25"

10 x 17"

Royal Berkey


3.25 gal

4 gph

8 gph

190 gal

9.5 x 23.5"

9.5 x 15.25"

Big Berkey


2.25 gal

4 gph

8 gph

190 gal

8.5 x 20"

8.5 x 13"

Travel Berkey


1.5 gal

2.75 gph


66 gal

7.5 x 19"

7.5 x 12"

Flow rate is calculated based on a full upper chamber

The glass on the left contains dirty water straight from a pond. The glass on the right contains water from the same pond, after it was purified in a Berkey system.

Total Virus Control

Black Berkey® filtration systems are an integral part of the ideal solution for treating virus-contaminated water supplies. The accepted standard for using chlorine to kill waterborne viruses is 2 PPM (2 parts of chlorine per 1 million parts of water.) 2 PPM is achieved by adding 8 drops of straight chlorine (common chlorine bleach) to 1 gallon of water. For "good measure" the recommendation is often made to use up to 16 drops per gallon. But who wants to consume all of that chlorine? Berkey® Purifiers solve this dilemma. Black Berkey® elements remove the chlorine from the treated water after the chlorine has completely killed any viruses present. You're left with only what you want... ultra pure, ultra safe, great tasting water!

The Black Berkey filter formulation has been tested by state & EPA accredited laboratories. Click to see some of those test results, from Spectrum Labs and the University of Arizona

Warranted by manufacturer

Read warranty

Additional options

Pleasant Hill Grain has been among the largest distributors of Berkey water purification systems for many years. In business for over three decades, we're here to help you with any questions now, and we'll be here later to meet your future needs. Please email or call us if you'd like to discuss Berkey systems. We'd appreciate your business, and we look forward to serving you!



Descriptions of Ratings for Clearance Store Items


(Expanded descriptions in next table)

Minimum Discount

Mechanically Perfect

Standard Return  Policy



Returned. Non-working surfaces have new or nearly new appearance. Working surfaces may have slight wear marks. Very close scrutiny is required to tell that the item isn’t brand new. Packaging may not be perfect.






Returned, nearly-new appearance. Slight to moderate flaws on non-working surfaces, such as a mixer cabinet or lid.

Varies by Item





Factory refurbished. Mostly returned items which have been brought fully up to new-equipment performance specs at the factory.

Varies by Item





Demonstration items have been operated briefly at Pleasant Hill Grain.

Varies by Item





From new stock; has moderate damage such as a scratch, dent, or paint blemish.

Varies by Item





New old-stock. A brand new item that isn't the newest model.

Varies by Item



Varies by Item

Additional notes: 

  1. The ratings are for cosmetic condition only. All Clearance Store merchandise is guaranteed to function perfectly. 
  2. Items are offered under normal terms of sale: Please review policies before ordering. 
  3. Some clearance items ship in plain (but carefully boxed) packaging, rather than the manufacturer’s original carton. 
  4. Important: All clearance items may have been exposed to various allergenic foods. 

Bottom Line: If you’re a highly detail-oriented person, we recommend sticking to “R1.” But after a week’s use, the only real difference between one of these items and a brand new one will be the money you saved.

Clearance ID: 

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Manufacturer Part Number
UPC/EAN Number
Weight (lbs.)
Housing Material
Stainless steel
Element Type
Elements Included
2 Black Berkey Elements
Flow Rate
4 Gallons/Hour
Warranty Length
2 year prorated warranty calculated in 6 month intervals


We stock this product in our Nebraska warehouse. Most of our shipments are by UPS Ground or Home Delivery and you should receive your order in five business days or less from ship-out. Click here for more information about shipping.

Accessories for this product:

Stainless Steel Berkey Water View™ Spigot

The Berkey® accessory Stainless Steel Berkey Water View™ Spigot replaces the standard spigot on stainless Berkey models to provide a full-time display of just how much water is in the lower (purified) section of your system. Like the standard spigot, the handle provides your choice of either "stay-open" or "return to closed" action.

The table below shows which spigot fits each Berkey purifier model.

Berkey purifier not included.

(More info) See product
$70.00 - $80.00
Berkey Sport Water Filter Bottle

The Sport Berkey® Portable Water Filter is the ideal personal protection traveling companion, featuring the Ionic Absorption Micro Filtration System. The bottle's filter removes or dramatically reduces a vast array of health-threatening contaminants from questionable sources of water including lakes and streams, stagnant ponds and other water supplies.

The media within the filter element removes contaminants by a surface phenomenon known as adsorption, the molecular attraction of substances to the surface of the media. As the bottle is pressed, the source water is forced through the filter. The quality and volume of media used, determine the rate of adsorption. The flow rate or time of exposure through the filter has been calculated to yield the greatest volume removal of toxic chemicals caused by pollution from industry and agriculture.

This exclusive filter element is impregnated with proprietary absorbing media that promotes ionic absorption of pollutants within the micro-porous element, such as aluminum, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, and other dangerous heavy metals. The "tortuous path" structure of these pores gives it its unique characteristics. The Sport Berkey achieves 99.9% contaminant reduction.

The Sport Berkey's sturdy top loop can be used for hanging. Rotating the loop to the side causes the sipping tube to pop up automatically, so your hands never need to touch the fresh water tube.

If using a source of water that might contain extreme bacteriological or viral contamination, it's recommended that two drops of plain chlorine or iodine be added to each refill before filtering. This will kill minute pathogens such as viruses. The disinfectant will then be filtered from the water entirely, removing its odor, color and taste and leaving only purified water.

Dimensions: 2.75"D x 11"H (including top ring). Tube diameter is 1/4 inch. Holds 22 oz. water.

Filter element life: Ranges from 640 refills from a municipal water source, to 160 refills from a highly turbid water source. Another way to tell when it’s time to change elements is suction effort: when it becomes too difficult to draw water through the tube, it’s time for a new element.

The Berkey Sport bottle comes with either a black or orange filter. Both filters have the same life expectancy, filter capacity, and reduction capabilities, the only difference is the color.

Warranted by manufacturer: Read warranty

Please note: The Sport Berkey purifier system IS available for shipment to California. The Sport Berkey system is not yet available for shipment to Iowa, though it may be used in Iowa.

Other Berkey systems include five full-size models of Berkey Stainless Systems, the transparent Berkey Light and the small stainless Go Berkey. Also available: British Berkefeld systems with white ceramic elements.

(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Berkey Filter Sight Spigot

The Berkey® accessory sight glass spigot replaces the standard spigot on stainless Berkey models to provide a full-time display of just how much water is in the lower (purified) section of your system. Like the standard spigot, the handle provides your choice of either "stay-open" or "return to closed" action.

The table below shows which sight spigot fit each Berkey purifier model.

Berkey purifier not included.

(More info) See product
$49.00 - $57.00
Black Berkey Primer

Two ways to prime: Black Berkey® purifier elements need to be primed when they're put into service. Priming simply involves forcing some water through the element under a little pressure to make sure all of the purifying medium gets wet, which ensures that you'll benefit from each element's full flow rate. For this purpose, elements come standard with a Priming Button—a small foam rubber ring that allows you to prime the element at a faucet. The optional Black Berkey Primer is an alternative way of priming that may offer you some advantages.

The Black Berkey Primer™ is a hand-powered priming pump that makes it possible to prime Black Berkey elements easily without the need for faucets or hose connections. Priming saturates the elements with water prior to their use, allowing for clean water production anywhere. The primer also purges (or back-flushes) elements using air instead of water to clean the proprietary pores of the compressed carbon filter wall. Purging the elements accomplishes two things: (1) It clears the pores of debris that has accumulated with use, and (2), it reduces the time & effort needed to dry the filters prior to storing them.

(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Stainless Steel Berkey Purifier Base

The stainless steel base (or stand) for Berkey water purifiers is designed to allow your drinking glass to slide under the water purifier spigot. Rubberized feet add stability and protect your countertop.

(More info) See product
$46.00 - $64.00
Stainless Spigot for Berkey Stainless

This stainless spigot can replace the plastic spigot that comes with each stainless Berkey unit.

To replace your spigot,

(More info) See product


In stock Usually ships in 1-3 business days.

Customer reviews

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Overall Rating:

78 reviews
per page

1 - 10 of 78 reviews

Fantastic product
By Joelle J. in OR on 8/03/2018 Verified Buyer

Love my Berkey. I had water that was unpalatable with a strong mineral taste. No more, the Berkey has delivered delicious tasting water. I have also found that it keeps it a cool temperature. No regrets, would definitely recommend.

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Best Water Ever
By Barbara M. in MD on 6/09/2018 Verified Buyer

My husband and I bought our first Berkey in 1999, 19 years ago......loved it and love this one. The folks at Pleasant Hill Grain are so helpful, from Darren from whom I purchased it and the staff who answered questions upon installation. I am a widow now and appreciate the service and fast delivery. Thank you all so much.

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No more bottled water!
By Mike S. in MD on 9/11/2018 Verified Buyer

Great experience with our purchase from Pleasant Hill. With our drinking water usage at 2 gallons a day @ $1.50 a gallon, the Royal Berky will pay for itself in no time at all. No more plastic bottles. The black filters were not difficult to prime at all. We added the stand and stainless spigot. The Wife and I love it! Should have bought one sooner. Mom wants one now....

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Great Product
By Female in NE on 9/03/2018 Verified Buyer

Had a travel Berkey, got the Big Berkey as a second one they both work wonderfully!

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Puts out the water I need
By Joseph in AL on 2/05/2019 Verified Buyer

I was looking for a purifier that would give me enough water in the event of an emergency. This certainly does that. I upgraded to the spigot with the site glass (recommend). No problems with leaking washers anywhere.

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Crisp clear fresh taste no residual taste or smell
By Karen S. in PA on 12/19/2018 Verified Buyer

My family members have a BERKEY and I looked forward to visiting them. I enjoyed the ease of helping myself to BERKEY water. I used their water for my tea and I would even use it to steam fresh vegetables and boil pasta in. Anyway I can that requires water in recipes. It leaves a distinctly better taste, and a peace of mind that the water has no harmful chemicals. When I would come home from my visits and taste my water time after time the decision wasn’t a difficult one. I needed to purchase a BERKEY to get the optimal taste that my adult children had been enjoying for a few years. Now I’m proud to be a owner of the BERKEY and can do all the things I did while visiting them.

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Best customer service and pricing
By Danny T., NY on 1/08/2019 Verified Buyer

There are other Berkey dealers, but I always come back to PHG… you have the best customer service and pricing, and fast shipping.

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Best water filter on the market
By Mary V. B. in VA on 11/12/2018 Verified Buyer

This Berkey was purchased for our son in another state. As we already own a Big Berkey, (purchased from Pleasant Hill of course), we knew he would love it. He is ecstatic and loves the clean taste of the water. We have ordered multiple products from Pleasant Hill Grain and will continue to do so in the future.

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Great product
By Kial G. in CA on 10/24/2018 Verified Buyer

This was my first Berkey filter and i couldn't be happier. This was also my first order with Pleasant Hill and the customer service has been outstanding.

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10 Stars for PHG and Berkey
By Jim P. in TX on 3/13/2020 Verified Buyer

Easy to setup. Works great. I have the Berkey Light, Big Berkey, and Royal Berkey.
Rating should be 10 stars instead of 5 for Pleasant Hill Grain and Berkey.

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