- Keeps diesel or kerosene refinery-fresh for years
- Enhanced lubricity
- Contains no alcohol
- Guards against fuel pump wear
- Removes slime and sludge from fuel system
- Prevents carbon build-up in all engines
- Easy-measure calibrated dispensing bottle
PRI-D 16 Oz for 256 Gallons Diesel
Unstabilized diesel fuel has a very short storage life. The best part of the fuel rapidly evaporates, and what's left degrades into a substance that can quickly gum up fuel injectors, valves, sensors, filters and other components, reducing performance and eventually causing complete machine failure.
PRI fuel stabilizer dramatically extends diesel fuel storage life, and enhances overall performance. PRI is an industrial grade product and is far more concentrated than competing brands. The higher concentration level of PRI allows much better distribution efficiencies, which means your cost per treated gallon is much lower with PRI. The pint container treats 256 gallons of diesel, and the quart container treats 512 gallons.
Routine usage: It pays to treat all your fuel with PRI. Whether it's for your backup generator, your vehicle, or seasonally-used machines like mowers, snow blowers, garden tillers and recreational vehicles, PRI makes it easy and economical to preserve the full value of your fuel, and keep your equipment running at peak performance and efficiency! We use PRI fuel treatment, and we recommend it highly to our customers.
Kerosene too: PRI-D works equally well to preserve the quality of stored kerosene (for long storage always start with K1 grade kerosene.)
PRI-D Benefits
- Keeps diesel or kerosene refinery-fresh for years
- Maintains carbon-free fuel injectors
- Enhanced lubricity
- Improves power output
- Contains no alcohol
- Protects O-rings and seals
- Guards against fuel pump wear
- Maintains carbon free fuel injectors
- Reduces smoke and soot 20-to-60%
- Removes slime and sludge from fuel system
- Provides fuel economies of 6-to-15%
- Improves power output and engine performance
- Prevents carbon build-up in all engines
- Extends engine overhaul intervals
- Restores degraded fuels
- Recommended by marine engine dealers
- Reduces emissions
- Easy-measure calibrated dispensing bottle
- Unopened product has indefinite shelf life
- Opened product has 3 year shelf life
Available in 16 oz. and 32 oz.
1 review
I've been using PRI-G (Gas stabilizer) for quite awhile with excellent results. I recently starting using PRI-D (Diesel stabilizer) after purchasing a new tractor. As I won't be using the tractor at times I prefer to treat the fuel with a stabilizer.