Note: Today we're shipping orders for in-stock items placed April 16.

Pleasant Hill Grain Baking Glossary

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  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z


Induction – A method of cooktop heating in which heat is induced in a cookware vessel via electromagnetism. Unlike other methods, it does not rely on conduction (contact with the cooktop), radiation ("rays" of heat) or convection (rising hot gases). Cookware must be made partly or entirely of iron to work on an induction cooktop.

Impact Mill – (See Grain Mill.)

Instant Yeast – A dry yeast which may be added directly with the other dry ingredients in a recipe. The dry granules of yeast are smaller than that of active dry yeast and contain more live cells by percentage than a granule of active dry yeast. Bread made with instant yeast require only a single rise. (See our SAF Instant Yeast.)

Insoluble Fiber – Fiber that is indigestible and will not dissolve in liquid. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stomach and intestine helping move other digestible food through, which helps to prevent constipation. Whole grains are an excellent source of insoluble fiber, as are coconut flour and vegetables.

Insulin – A hormone naturally created in the body of short amino acid polymers which regulates carbohydrates and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin is created from beta cells within the pancreas. Insulin causes cells in various parts of the body including muscles and the liver to bring in excess glucose to store it for energy use later, when the body needs it. An insulin deficiency will cause hyperglycemia since glucose levels will be inadequately regulated, and excessive insulin will cause hypoglycemia.

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